What about your “Informal Employee Engagement Tools?”

Do you have the tools in place (software tools) to successfully drive employee engagement on an “informal basis?

By Formal we refer to this capture as a semi or annual review or feedback session. Commonly referred to as Performance Management – it is an important part of the human resource role – making sure employees are measured given the appropriate feedback. And of course this performance management process often impacts raises, promotions, etc.

However what about the informal aspects of the employee engagement process?

We define “informal” feedback as the “other 200 days?”  Why do we term this “informal”?  By informal we are referring to the daily actions that are not being formally recorded outside of emails being sent or hallway conversations (feedback sessions) that are not being formally captured.

Of course there is no particular right or wrong answer to question poised in this Blog Post. Companies approach employee engagement in many ways. However many of today’s tools are designed for more “formal” capture and feedback.

The informal days or just as important and the “formal” days (evaluation periods) for driving employee engagement.  And many would argue that in certain industries (services for example) the providing feedback and reviews for the informal days are more important then the formal semi or annual reviews.

Based on our research and feed back from companies that deploy systems for managing, capturing the daily feedback and Recognition for employee that this “informal” area is a huge opportunity for companies to significantly impact the overall performance of their employee population. And impact revenue and customer satisfaction.